The cost of our drivers education program is $415.00. Payment by credit card is $427.00. This includes a fee of $12 to cover processing fees.
If a student withdraws, prior to approving the online class, a full refund will be issued. However, once the course is approved, no refund will be issued.
Requirements: The student must bring their permit to every class and drive session. The parent and student must read and agree to the policy statement and the parent involvement guide. Payment can be either cash, check or credit card. If payment is made by check, it needs be made out to Mount Vernon Drivers Education LLC. A $30 service charge will be applied to all returned checks. The payment must be made before the online class is started. No certificate will be issued without full payment. To ensure enrollment, either complete the online registration or mail in the registration form below. If you have any questions, please call 319-361-9405 or send an email to contact us. The student may be charged $30 for missing a drive session.